oral herpes

Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by the simplex herpes virus. Cold sores undergo different phases and they may even last for weeks if left untreated. For those who are not yet familiar about cold sores, you might wonder, what does a cold sore look like?

So what does a cold sore look like? Cold sores or fever blisters are small yet painful sores situated on the outer edges of the face particularly on the mouth.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Tongue

Herpes is a common term used to indicate diseases caused by a group of similar viruses including varicella-zoster virus that causes chicken pox, Epstein-Barr virus that causes infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus that causes immunological disorders and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) that causes genital and oral infections.

Cause of Infection: There are two different types of Herpes Simplex Virus, namely HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 causes oral herpes and HSV-2 infection results in formation of blisters around the genitals. Cross-infections can happen among sexual partners having oral-genital relationships.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Symptoms

Oral herpes, also known as cold sores or fever blisters, brought on by the HSV1 or HSV2 virus. Estimates are between 80-90% of Americans at one point having been exposed to either strain of the virus and may unknowingly. I have broken down the oral herpes symptoms for you in a sequential manner below.


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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Treatment

There are a huge number of people who deal with herpes on a regular basis. You may try to kid yourself and say it's just a cold sore, and that would be true, but it's also true that it is oral herpes. That's the cold truth, but what you want to know is how to minimize the occurrences and to have them gone as quickly as possible.

So first you need to know that you are not alone in it, and one thing that really can help this and your overall health is taking an effective multi-vitamin/mineral combination. The next thing is taking 500 milligrams (mg) of L-Lysine on a daily basis as well. Those two things can eliminate breakouts, or at least bring them down to a couple per year. That's how this has worked for me. I went from an average of one cold sore per month to one or two a year. From all the people I have talked to, this seems to be the case.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Transmission

Although the majority of North Americans have contracted oral herpes at some point in their lives, the majority of the infected do not display symptoms (are asymptomatic), so there is not as much information about the transmission of oral herpes as there should be.

In a nutshell, it is not worth worrying about transmitting it if you are between outbreaks. It is possible to transmit oral herpes when no cold sores are present, but because so many adults have it (some stats are as high as 80 – 90%), it is not worth foregoing intimacy altogether due to the fear of transmission.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Signs

Is it Possible to Contract Genital to Oral Herpes?

The transmission of the Herpes simplex virus can happen by any direct skin contact with affected areas. This means that it does not matter if the contact was made by one individuals' mouth to anothers' oral region, or from one persons' genitals coming into contact with another persons' genitals. The other possibility is from genital to oral touching. The normally believed notion that HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) could only be contracted in their respective zones is incorrect. Cross-infection exists and genital to oral herpes can happen.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Early Stages

Oral herpes is a diseased caused by a virus, generally herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1). It can cause painful sores in and around the mouth or can exhibit no symptoms at all. Because it is so contagious, it is estimated that at least 50% of people have had contact with a subtype of the herpes virus before they reach adulthood.

The herpes oral strain is only present in humans, and is transmitted though contact with infected skin, saliva, or mucous membranes. Symptoms of vary from person to person, depending upon the locations and severity of the infection. Early and less severe symptoms of oral herpes mimic those of the flu and can include fever and headache, and depression or irritability, and inflammation of the lymph nodes, particularly those located near the site of the pending outbreak.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes

Isn't it great to hear the words “I will never leave you?” Most of us probably would want something that we treasure to be with us for life but what would you do when something that you never wanted would stick with you and promises to never leave you until your last breath no matter what you do? Dreadful, isn't it? Yet, this promise of lifelong companionship is something that you can count on with Herpes.

Herpes is one of the most commonly sexually transmitted diseases. It is a viral disease which makes it incurable. Meaning, once you have it, it stays for life. The virus that causes this infection is herpes simplex virus (HSV). Among the many forms of herpes, the two most popular and widely known to man are the genital herpes (herpes genitalis) and the oral herpes (herpes labialis).

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herpes stages

Herpes Symptoms

Herpes Zoster or shingles is a skin rash that is caused by the same virus as that which causes chickenpox – varicella zoster. Early signs and symptoms include pain, a burning or tingling sensation that can be severe and blistering, then the appearance of rashes. Rashes are patches of red and little blisters that may appear on the face, ears, eyes, and mouth. When the blisters are drying, there will be crusts that will fall off in time. There will be a small chance that the person with these blisters will scar.

Signs and Symptoms

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herpes stages

Genital Herpes Stages

There are three primary stages of herpes. The first or initial stage can include flu like symptoms such as headaches and muscle soreness. Often there will be intense itching in the genital area where the outbreak can be expected. These early symptoms can last for up to a week and indicate the best time to attempt to abort the outbreak.

The second stage of genital herpes is the active phase where small herpes bumps or sores will be present on the mucous membranes of the genital area. A larger single sore or blister is also possible. The outbreak and surrounding area can be extremely painful at this time. Excessive redness and swelling are common. It is best to keep the outbreak clean and dry and to wear loose clothing (and cotton underwear!). There are several remedies for relief including breaking open a wet black tea bag and applying the leaves to the exposed outbreak. A few drops of tea tree oil in olive oil can also help reduce pain and swelling.

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