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Herpes News

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease and it affects millions of people all over the world but only a quarter of these people experience symptoms. Studies have shown that this disease is most common in women than men, because the genital area of women is warmer and moist than of the men. Yet with this disease affecting millions of people all over the world, there is rarely genital herpes news that is being discussed and more often, the people who are infected with this virus is left feeling alienated and doomed.

The virus is caused by the herpes simplex virus or the HSV-2 virus and is highly contagious. The disease can be transmitted via the exposed raw skin of the person to his or her sexual partner. Once you have sexual intercourse with an infected partner, the infection will start to manifest its symptoms three to twenty days after sexual contact. When it comes to genital herpes news, up to now there are no known cure for genital herpes. Up to this day, this is considered incurable but a manageable disease.

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Herpes Symptoms

Herpes Zoster or shingles is a skin rash that is caused by the same virus as that which causes chickenpox – varicella zoster. Early signs and symptoms include pain, a burning or tingling sensation that can be severe and blistering, then the appearance of rashes. Rashes are patches of red and little blisters that may appear on the face, ears, eyes, and mouth. When the blisters are drying, there will be crusts that will fall off in time. There will be a small chance that the person with these blisters will scar.

Signs and Symptoms

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Herpes Vaccine

Herpes is a very serious illness. Not just that, it is also very easily transmitted, putting every person at risk. Because of this, it can wreak havoc on a person's life.

People who are infected are often shunned and avoided -suffering the stigma of disease as much as the symptoms. The cause of this is fear: people who do not have the disease fear the infected. Truly, a Herpes vaccine can solve a huge amount of problems for people.

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Herpes Cure Breakthrough

Herpes Cure breakthrough treatment does exist.

Nowadays, with the help of modern science, there is always hope that the progress towards a herpes cure is not far away. A cure for herpes would transform the lives of millions of sufferers and is long overdue.

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Herpes Treatment

A brief introduction to the herpes simplex viruses

The herpes simplex viruses [HSV] are DNA viruses and are of two types, HSV1 and HSV2. Both of them are capable of producing identical lesions.

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Herpes Natural Cure

How to cure herpes? Therefore, whether or not you have been diagnosed with the herpes virus, learning about herpes is very important so we'll learn how to cure herpes as well.

Herpes is the most common sexually transmitted viral disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), which resides in the nerve ganglia after initial exposure to the herpes virus. Herpes is a common and usually mild infection but it is a contagious infection. It is equally common in males and females. Herpes is a viral disease that generally affects the mouth by the herpes simplex virus type one is what causes cold sores on the lips and face; and the genital areas by herpes simplex type two causes' genital herpes lesions.

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Herpes Dating

Although herpes 1 – or oral herpes – is quite common, most people who contract it show no symptoms of it. In fact, only a third of the people who contract it will experience outbreaks, which means there's not as much knowledge about herpes 1 transmission as there should be.

Since as much as 80% of the adult population in North America is infected with herpes 1 orally, the stigma that follows genital herpes (herpes 2) does not similarly hang over oral herpes. This means that those with oral herpes do not have to be so careful to disclose their condition to others (at least between outbreaks).

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Herpes Cure Research

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Herpes Cure

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by HSV (herpes simplex viruses). HSV type 2 (HSV-1) is the usual cause of genital herpes. Although, in some cases HSV type 1 (HSV-2) is also found responsible for this disease. Usually HSV-2 is responsible for oral herpes (herpes sores on the lips and in the mouth).

Many people have heard about the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). But very few people know what causes it. There are several kinds of herpes strains. We will talk about the Genital herpes in this article.

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