herpes symptoms in men

Hpv Symptoms Men

HPV warts in men are caused by the human papiloma virus, also commonly called the papiloma virus for short. There is no cure for the virus, however you can rid yourself of the symptoms. If you think you have genital HPV warts, you can get a self diagnosis by looking at pictures online, or you can go to the doctor if you are doubtful to get a professional medical diagnosis. Its very important for your sexual health and health overall to get a treatment for your HPV warts as soon as possible because if left untreated, the warts can spread rapidly throughout your genital and anal regions.

HPV warts in men are not fatal, but they are an unsightly nuisance. They are usually flesh colored raised bumps and can appear on the head, underneath the head, or on the shaft of the penis. They can be single raised bumps that are flaky, or clusters, almost cauliflower like groups of wart growths. You need to refrain from sexual activity until you get treated because you can easily spread the warts to your partners through sexual contact. There is nothing that should be stopping you from getting treatment since there are many treatments available online, or can be prescribed by a doctor.

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