genital herpes

Herpes Simplex Virus

Herpes Simplex is a contagious viral infection commonly seen as cold sores on the lip but this virus can also affect the genital area. This article shares the medical symptoms of cold sores (also known as fever blisters) and other types of herpes simplex viruses. We will also look at ways you can get rid of cold sores on your lip or genital area.

There are two strains of herpes simplex viruses: Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 is the type of infection typically found on the lip, mouth or face. This is the most common type and can develop during childhood. HSV-2 is usually transmitted sexually and may results in genital ulcers or sores.

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genital herpes

Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes- what is it?

Genital Herpes is caused by virus type 2 of Herpes Simplex. Virus type 1 produces cold sores of herpes. Genital herpes spreads by sexual contact. Any kind of sexual contact will infect you with genital herpes if your partner is a carrier. Oral sex is equally contagious. Herpes never gets eliminated from the body. The virus will remain for life in your body. Please find out more about the treatment of Genital herpes. Treatment is done only when genital herpes flares up. Till then the virus will remain dormant in the body. You may get one or many flare-ups in your lifetime. After you treat genital herpes flare up, the skin heals again and the virus goes back in the dormant state. As I said earlier, it never gets out of the body.

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oral herpes

Oral Herpes Signs

Is it Possible to Contract Genital to Oral Herpes?

The transmission of the Herpes simplex virus can happen by any direct skin contact with affected areas. This means that it does not matter if the contact was made by one individuals' mouth to anothers' oral region, or from one persons' genitals coming into contact with another persons' genitals. The other possibility is from genital to oral touching. The normally believed notion that HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) could only be contracted in their respective zones is incorrect. Cross-infection exists and genital to oral herpes can happen.

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herpes dating

Herpes Outbreak

It is already a known fact that most herpes victims do not exhibit any herpes symptoms. However, the ones who do come off with the symptoms could find that the very first herpes outbreak will be the worse compared to the recurrences. This first herpes outbreak can also be associated with the general symptoms of the disease aside from that of the common herpes rash. Women, especially, are the most targeted victims of the herpes virus which does not usually develop any symptoms.

For quite a long time, it was the herpes simplex virus type 2 or also called as the HSV-2 that mainly causes the genital herpes disease. However, the modern times have been introduced to a new genital herpes infection that is equally caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 and the herpes simplex virus type 1. Majority of the herpes victims who will have a primary outbreak are going to do so around a time range between three days to two weeks after the exposure.

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herpes signs

Cold Sores Signs

What causes cold sores in everyone is the herpes simplex virus, either type 1 or type 2.

Either type produces identical fever blister, cold sore or oral herpes sores. Type 1 is what causes cold sores about 80% of the time. Type 2 causes about 20% of the outbreaks.

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herpes signs

Oral Herpes Signs

Is it Possible to Contract Genital to Oral Herpes?

The transmission of the Herpes simplex virus can happen by any direct skin contact with affected areas. This means that it does not matter if the contact was made by one individuals' mouth to anothers' oral region, or from one persons' genitals coming into contact with another persons' genitals. The other possibility is from genital to oral touching. The normally believed notion that HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HSV-2 (genital herpes) could only be contracted in their respective zones is incorrect. Cross-infection exists and genital to oral herpes can happen.

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